A house is not a home?
What is home? I just had such a deep conversation with three other people who are coming from different places, have different first languages, and even have different aesthetics about the concept of (home). The first person was born in West Africa but his family migrated to the US so he lived there for a very long time and did almost most of his education in the US. I asked him "Do you feel at home in the US?" I thought this is just a manifestation of the identity and belonging crisis you go through when are an immigrant or a child of immagrant. But, he answered " I don't even know if I have a feeling of home anywhere in the world since I have been traveling a lot lately" ( do I feel at home in my little apartment that I occupied for a little less than a year now? I was asking myself while he was talking, would I feel at home at some point even if not now? what about my room with those windows facing our big yard in Sudan? what about my grandparent's hous...