Jane, with love

Short story ( I don't usually write) ( it may make sense, but more likely, it will not )
Jane is a human being , in this pale blue dot , he is alone and miserable just as the race he belongs to .He had never had someone in his life to exchange love and care with , in fact this what made him so selfish and so caring only about himself .
He is incapable of caring about people , giving love and sacrifices. But he is too coward also to admit it .
So he prefers to live in an illusionary life by making a fake social bubble and live within it , a bubble in which he is able to love and to be loved , or to feel like so . He started making friends , get into conversations with people, teach them ,learn from them , have some fun ...... , he was kind and gentle ,he was cute and loving .
He was the one he has always dreamt of , inside that bubble . he was doing so to relief himself, to make a better reality .
But in fact ,
The real you Is always too deep to be escaped ,
It keeps chasing you .
So, inspite of his attempts to win his deep self , it is just so powerful that it usually wins .
Whenever he starts making real friends , lovers ... , He always ends up abandoning them , as real friends, abandoning their real existence in his life , abandoning having real interactions, real impacts.
In his journey looking for answers for this mess , (you will never be able to determine if they are answers or mere justifications ) His train of thoughts always brings many ideas. among others, he always thinks that he gave them more than they did for him , we never know if he really did or his selfishness and the truth that he rarely gives care for others made him think so .
It takes you to be real in order to make real things , but he was afraid to be real even with himself . Of course abandon above is my point of view word . But if you want Jane's point of view words he would say : " we just don't match , it is neither my fault nor theirs, we just have our differences that makes it really hard to catch up with each other , I can't find anyone who matches me ,My case is just so special and so rare ,it seems . it is really sad but it is true , we should take the truth even if it saddens us . life doesn't care what we want, it just keeps be cruel and careless and we just have to live it awake". He would say that in order to keep that bubble intact , in order to keep dreaming in that fake reality ....
may be sometimes life seems harder for those who don't try (though I do believe that sometimes even if you did any possible thing it takes to get what you want, your luck can still stand against you , but let's stick with the first opinion it seems more sensible here )
For Jane nothing was worthy enough to risk doing something or try to make a difference . well it is more like doing nothing was his way of doing things , he don't bother getting himself angry enough or sad enough,let's say caring enough to try doing things ,wrong or right things . Care is what drives people to do things ,it is the unbalanced force that acts upon us (if we looked at people who kill themselves because life has no meaning and they say they should not care about anything , in my opinion they do actually care , they care more than they think they do)
We can say he believed that the universe will do the right thing when it is should be done ,so he shouldn't bother himself by fruitless efforts instead of benefiting from time doing another useful thing .
He satisfies himself by saying : this is life , objections don't change the situation .
Though my mind is oriented to make it like It is Jane's fault but This is just one side of the story
May be it is his fault ,may be it is other people's fault , or may be it is just the Stars' fault .
life goes on . NO END
No happily ever after
To be continued , may be


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